Winner of the montage caption competition

thatcherdebateThere were some splendid entries for the caption competition.  Some were notably innovative.  I had difficulty deciding which topped the others.   I eventually narrowed it down to three, but others  met the ‘laugh out loud’ test.  The three played on the montage in different ways.

The winner is Whovian with:  ‘Lord Norton regretted agreeing to the production team of University Challenge arranging the conference room’.

I think it fairly obvious why the caption appealed.  The runners up are Neil M and Tony Sands, each with a different, but very funny, approach to the montage.   They just ran ahead of the other entries.  Everyone who contributed merits a commendation.

If Whovian would like to get in touch, the prize will be on the way.   Now to start looking for an appropriate picture for the next competition…

About Lord Norton

Professor of Government at Hull University, and Member of the House of Lords
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2 Responses to Winner of the montage caption competition

  1. Whovian says:

    Thanks. I won the last Caption Competition. I think you have my email address from my submission. Do I get in touch with you via an email address? Rob (Whovian)

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